Metalabel is a new space for co-releasing and collecting creative work.
On Metalabel, creators can:
Come together in labels to co-release work and share audiences, credit, and glory. We’re inspired by the model of the grassroots indie label, and make it so any group of creative people can release work together.
Sell creative work in all forms: physical media, digital media, experiential work, essays and ideas, provocations and invitations — whatever they wish to express.
Split financial proceeds seamlessly. Splits allow creators to set percentages, sell work, and automatically send funds directly to a contributor’s bank account according to agreed terms.
Collectors can:
Get limited-edition creative work. Metalabel is focused on limited-edition creative work as a way to make collecting creative output more meaningful for everyone involved. Collectors get bragging rights and creators get a meaningful community of support.
Support scenes they care about. Funds are directed towards the creators in the project, and the label supporting them. It’s a way to support not just an individual creator, but a whole community and space.